Thursday, October 18, 2007

Brief Adoption Update

Hi Everyone:

Just a brief update to catch everyone up-to-date.

We received word from our Social Worker this week that we are still in PGN (whew!!) and still with the 2nd reviewer. I nearly want to throw up every time I hear her voice on the other end of the phone. She does all this, "Hi, how are you? :O) Are you having a good week? :O) Are you feeling better from your accident? :O)" And I'm thinking, "Get to the point, this is either good news or it's really bad news!" (I love you Anna - if you're reading this!) AAHH - out with it already!

I understand from others that this is the longest wait in PGN, and our last stop before signing off on it. PGN is still averaging around 8-9 weeks, so I am crossing my fingers and toes that we will make it out no later than the first full week of November.

Please continue to pray for us as we wait anxiously, and pray specifically that we get her home before the end of the year! This may be highly unlikely, barring intervention from God, as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and the US Embassy will be shutting down for that. But, we all know He IS capable!

Keep praying for my dad, he's been feeling a little better, and has been eating a little better. He got a good report with his cardiologist this week, and is awaiting some lab results from the oncologist.

Thanks for all of your love and support, and please, leave comments to let me know you're out there reading..... Thanks to those of you who helped me figure out how to add links to my blog.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Praying for you to be out of PGN quickly and Sarah B to be home soon! God is in control!!