Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Children's Safe Drinking Water

Dear Friends:

At this time of year, our hearts are most turned toward giving to others.

As most reading this will know, we own a plumbing company, and for years now the Lord has laid on our hearts the importance of providing clean drinking water to those who do not have it.

We have been involved with ministries in the past, providing clean drinking water by drilling wells. Once this most basic need is met, the opportunity becomes available to tell them about the Living Water, that is Christ.

Recently, Todd and I learned about a water project that is being done by PUR, the drinking water filtration company. I wanted to share the information with you and encourage you to participate through giving to this organization. More children die each year from drinking contaminated water than die from AIDS and Malaria combined. For pennies you can help provide water for children and families in poverty stricken countries.

You can see a demonstration and learn how you can help at www.csdw.org Your children will love the interactive demonstration on their website. For $7.50 you can provide clean drinking water for a child for ONE YEAR !!! And for around $30.00 you can provide safe drinking water for an entire family for one year. While this is not a Christian organization, it is an easy and inexpensive way that you and I can become involved in helping others around the World.

Merry Christmas,

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