Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Goal of Terrorists is .......... what ???

I usually do not post on things of a "political" nature. However, I have found myself severely frustrated today, and I want to make something very clear that was horribly misspoken today. This is my only other avenue of "speech" so here it goes.

It is actually of a religious nature, although the liberals involved do not see, understand or even acknowledge the link. I have been watching the Live Desk on Fox News Channel, which is my news source of choice. Yes, I do believe they are "fair and balanced" for the most part. Anyway, while watching this program, I had to stop mid-show, thank you God for TiVo, and discuss a comment made by a gentleman on the program with my 13 year old daughter.

The discussion is opened about the incident at Fort Hood, and the following quote is made...

I quote from a Jim Arkadis; Director of the National Security Project at the Progressive Policy Institute. "With terrorism, you're trying to effect a change in policy or trying to get people to change their behavior."

The Miriam-Webster definition of terrorism is: "the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion."

However, when you are dealing with Islamic Terrorists, you have a whole other thing to consider. No one on the "left" or even in the middle seems to want to use the word "Islamic" with Terrorists, but quite frankly the terrorists are Islamic - for Pete sake! Islamic Terrorists kill for a number of reasons, I comment on them here in no particular order, and the list is certainly not exhaustive.

First of all, they believe they are involving themselves in "Jihad" (definition: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline). They are killing others, as a means of securing their place in "paradise", where I understand they will be met with 60 virgins or something of that sort. (I've never determined - what's in it for the women and children who are strapped with bombs and sent into crowds....)

Secondly, they kill to invoke terror (extreme debilitating fear) in those involved, and those surrounding the ones bombed, and to paralyze their infrastructure political, financial, religious, etc...

Thirdly, they believe that they are doing their "duty" to kill the infidel (defined as: an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion), anyone who does not believe what they do then, is an infidel. Gee, that leaves a lot of us out here, huh?

Terrorists do not care if after blowing themselves or others up, they effect a change in policy or behavior! Good grief, what rock does this man really live under! It is a totally SELFISH death - securing their own place in their supposed paradise and killing the infidels in the process. It reminds me of Dr. Phil's classic phrase, "What's in it for you?" and another "How's that working for you?"

So what then of the Christian - we're required to live a selfless life - dieing to ourselves, not killing others. Dieing to ourselves, hmmm, when was the last time you met a Christian really trying to live like that? Trust me, I'm speaking to myself here!

Abiding in His grace, and trying daily to crucify my own flesh, take up my cross, and allow the Spirit of Christ to live in and through me.

1 comment:

Lori McGuire said...

I totally agree, and they are off to a pretty good start I'm afraid.