Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, but I have shingles!!!

They hurt, they itch, they are on my head and face, and they are about to drive me insane!!

Todd is feeding me these super duper smoothies first thing every morning with ingredients you wouldn't believe trying to help boost my immune system. My body is so "out of whack" thanks to the fall, the surgery, and all of the constant medications over the past year. So, we're trying to get some good nutrition back in me and hopefully get everything back under control.

Please pray for me, and my family, I'm not much of a pleasure to be around, or even look at right now.

Feeling more like Job on a daily basis, and trying to keep up my sense of humor-
Hey does anybody have some sack cloth and ashes I could borrow? :O)


John Edwards said...

Poor thing! I feel sorry for you

Lori McGuire said...

Prayers John, I need prayers, not pity! Just Kidding, seriously though - pray for me brother I'm in bad shape! Tell Coni, "Hi!"