Thursday, January 15, 2009

TEEN PACT Program Information

Hello everyone:

I just wanted to make you all aware of a fantastic program available for students 8-19 years old. They are divided into one day programs for children 8-12 and a four day program for those 13-19. The program, known as "Teen Pact", is designed to teach children about the process of how our government works, to show them how we - as believers - can affect change in our government, how to be "salt and light" within the realm of lawmaking and to emphasis our responsibility to pray for our leaders.

I am so excited about this program, and can't wait to attend one of the upcoming one day events at our state capitol with our oldest daughter. Although we are homeschoolers, and this will be a part of our curriculum for the year, I feel certain that other Christian families who's children are in traditional schools would be able to attend with their children and I would think they could recieve an excused abscence from their school for their participation in an educational experience.

If you would like more information, check out their website at

God's richest blessings,


John Edwards said...

hey Lori! we have been going to church with theHooks and love it! Hope you and Todd are well

Lori McGuire said...

Hey John:

I heard that over lunch a couple of Sundays ago. SMALL WORLD!!!

Maybe sometime we can all get together to visit.
